Monday, September 22, 2008

Birds Of Prey Are Not Considered Kosher

Business, Ethics.

An understanding of "kashrut" in the united states - according to answers. com, the definition of kashrut is the state of being kosher and/ or the body of jewish dietary law. It does not simply apply to food. Of course, there are many more meanings to the word Kashrut or Kosher.

It can be in the way people are treated. - the hebrew word kosher, etc, kashrut. are all different titles given to the jewish dietary laws. However, in this article I will focus on kosher foods in the United States to help make it easier to find a kosher restaurant in Los Angeles or anywhere else. In the United States and the English language, we use the word Kosher. Pigs are( for some reason) most notable when it comes to non - kosher foods. The word actually means fit or correct, as well as suitable according to the Jewish law. If an animal is not slaughtered appropriately or is killed ferociously by its predator, it is not considered kosher.

In the United States, there are many laws stating that it is a crime if a company says that a food is Kosher when it really is not. - orthodox judaism has a much stricter way of it' s laws than conservative judaism does. This law is in effect in the following states: - Arkansas. - California. - Connecticut. - Illinois. - Kentucky. - Louisiana. - Maryland. - Massachusetts. - Minnesota. - Missouri. - New Jersey. - New York. - Ohio. - Pennsylvania. - Rhode Island. - Texas. - Virginia. According to Answers. com, there are many restrictions placed on food for it to be labeled kosher by the Jewish law. It is also a law in some parts of Florida and Baltimore. Here are some of those restrictions. Birds of prey are not considered kosher.

Mammals that live on the land have to eat food that they chew the cud and have cloven hoofs. - fish must have fins and scales. They cannot touch each other. Any dairy and meat products are not to be served at the same meal, cooked using the same dishes or tools, or stored inappropriately. A trained Shochet uses a particular way to slaughter animals known as shechits. The blood is then removed from the animal.

A Shochet severs the jugular, esophagus, carotid artery, and trachea in one smooth cut with a sharp knife. - this can be done by broiling, soaking and salting. There are many laws in Judaism that pertain to kosher foods, but it does not end at just food. If a kitchen has been used in a non - kosher way( such as a young Jewish couple moving into a new apartment) they must boil everything in that kitchen to prepare it to become kosher. It is a way of living. It has come over to the United States to appropriately welcome Jews into the country. It is the lifestyle of the Jewish and of the Jewish law.

Hopefully, someday all of the states in the United States will have a law on labeling foods kosher, and hopefully there will be more kosher restaurants in the United States.

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