Friday, October 31, 2008

So What Really Is The Cost Of Skyrocketing Fuel Prices

Business, Ethics.

Reflecting on the societal impact of high gasoline prices - the ramifications of unprecedented gas prices easily escape a cursory view. How many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline?

Consider how many people will be stuck in traffic this morning across America because somebody tried to get to work with their gas tank on empty. - what is the cost in terms of ruined days and happiness turned to despair because of financial distress contributed to and assisted by rapidly climbing fuel prices? I was selling an ebook online which shared secret shortcuts to avoiding the legendary traffic in Los Angeles. Once an honest individual starts to influence people beyond of their friends and family they realize that their actions have unforeseen consequences. It sold a few copies. Sometimes I would get the idea... what if someone I sent down some road somewhere on some search for the holy shortcut wound up in good or bad circumstances because of my little ebook! .

Too few! lol. - take that small example and compare it to how many lives are affected in so many different ways by the out of control rise in gas prices. That is the plus and the minus. Life is a series of probabilities, causes which cause other things which take us down roads that hold happy and scary encounters. So what really is the cost of skyrocketing fuel prices? There are those who reject that they have self determinism or that their self determinism is sufficient to make any great changes in their fate. And how do we, as pieces in, as individuals the dominoes game of life that still manage to have self determinism take the right actions so as to cease being robbed by large corporations and con jobs?

But such people are already dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel. - did you know you can lower the gas consumption of an suv with water? There are modern miracles there are cures for cancer to be found if one doesn' t take no for an answer, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental waste of New Orleans and the respiratory ailments of the 911 first responders if these problems would just be confronted and the solutions applied, there is a solution on an individual level to free us from slavery to the fuel pump. A hybrid engine using both fuel and water can be installed quite easily. It is worth it in terms of a higher balance in your bank account, a better running, a cleaner environment car and in so many unforeseen ways that could have rewarding ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your car running on a hydrogen system. A fully hydrogen burning system can be implemented with just a bit of study, resourcefulness and effort.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

So What Really Is The Cost Of Outrageous Fuel Prices

Business, Ethics.

The ramifications of rising gas prices - there are millions of drivers on the american roads and each has an individual story about how the unprecedented price of gasoline affects their own personal lives. How many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline? Consider how many people will be stuck in traffic this morning across America because somebody tried to get to work with their gas tank on empty.

What is the cost in terms of ruined days and happiness turned to desparation because of financial stress aided and worsened by rapidly climbing fuel prices? - i had a fairly successful ebook on traffic shortcuts in los angeles. Any time one starts to engage with other people beyond their immediate circle then they are impacting lives in ways unseen. It sold a few copies. I sometimes amused myself by wondering if I had steered anyone off their usual path to some unforeseen circumstance, good or bad. Too few! lol.

So extrapolate that into the society at large being affected by something as widespread and dark as the price of gasoline skyrocketing across the nation. - that is the plus and the minus. Life is a series of probabilities, causes which cause other things which take us down roads that hold happy and scary encounters. So what really is the cost of outrageous fuel prices? There are those who reject that they have self determinism or that their self determinism is sufficient to make any great changes in their fate. And how do we, as pieces in, as individuals the dominoes game of life that still manage to have self determinism take the right actions so as to cease being robbed by large corporations and their deceitful money games?

But such people might as well be dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel. - did you know you can lower the gas consumption of an suv with water? In this world there are cures for cancer to be found if one insists on looking, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental waste of New Orleans and the respiratory ailments of the 911 first responders if one doesn' t take no for an answer and the solutions applied, there is a solution on an individual level to free us from slavery to the fuel pump. A hybrid engine using both fuel and water can be installed quite easily. It is worth it in terms of a higher balance in your bank account, a smoother operating, a cleaner environment fuel guzzler and in so many unforeseen ways that could have positive ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your fuel guzzler converted to a hydrogen system. A fully hydrogen engine system can be implemented with just a bit of knowledge, resourcefulness and effort.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Hybrid Engine Using Both Gas And Water Can Be Installed Quite Easily

Business, Ethics.

Reflecting on the societal impact of unprecedented gas prices - there are millions of drivers on the american roads and each has an individual story about how the unprecedented price of gasoline affects their own personal lives. How many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline? How many times must we sit on" freeze frame" highways must turn into parking lots because some unfortunate soul took that moment at the wrong time?

How does one quantify or measure the number of ruined days, arguments brought on, accidents by rapidly climbing gas prices? - i was selling an ebook online which shared secret shortcuts to avoiding the legendary traffic in los angeles. Once an individual of conscience starts to influence people outside of their immediate sphere they start to see that their actions have unforeseen consequences. It sold a few copies. I would occasionally wonder whimsically if I had diverged anyone off their usual path to some unforeseen event, good or bad. Too few! lol.

So extrapolate that into the society at large being affected by something as widespread and dark as the price of gasoline skyrocketing across the nation. - that is the plus and the minus. Life is a series of causes affecting other causes in a domino fashion while each piece has an option to fall, where to fall, not fall, in other words each piece in the dominoes game of life has self determinism but there is still this causes affecting causes factor which can lead us in directions that hold happy and scary encounters. So, again, what really is the price to society of the outrageous gas prices? There are those who reject that they have self determinism or that their self determinism is sufficient to make any great changes in their fate. And how do we, as pieces in, as individuals the dominoes game of life that still manage to have self determinism take the right actions so as to stop being ripped off by large corporations and their greedy operations? But such people are already dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel.

Did you know you can lower the gas consumption of a car or truck with water? - just as there are cures for cancer to be found if one does some looking into the existing alternatives, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental waste of new orleans and the health problems of the 911 first responders if these problems would just be confronted and the solutions applied, a solution exists also to free us from slavery to the gas pump. A hybrid engine using both gas and water can be installed quite easily. You will be rewarded witha higher balance in your bank account, a better running, a cleaner environment vehicle and in so many unforeseen ways that could have positive ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your vehicle modified to a hydrogen system. A fully hydrogen engine system can be implemented with just a bit of knowledge, resourcefulness and effort.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Hybrid Engine Using Both Fuel And Water Can Be Installed Quite Easily

Business, Ethics.

The unseen impact of astronomical gas prices - how does the skyrocketing price of gasoline impinge upon your life? How many times must we sit on" freeze frame" highways must turn into parking lots because some sad sack ran out of fuel at just that worst possible moment?

Well your story is one of tens of millions across America and each one is unique. - how many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline? Once an individual of conscience starts having an effect on beyond of their friends and family they realize that their actions have ripples. What is the cost in terms of ruined days and happiness turned to sadness because of financial turmoil aided and assisted by skyrocketing fuel prices? I had a fairly successful ebook on traffic shortcuts in Los Angeles. Too few! lol. It sold a few copies.

I would occasionally wonder whimsically if I had sent anyone off their usual path to some unforeseen circumstance, good or bad. - life is a series of probabilities, causes which cause other things which lead us in directions that hold surprises. Take that small example and compare it to how many lives are affected in so many different ways by the out of control rise in gas prices. That is the plus and the minus. And more importantly what actions do we have to take as individuals to cease being robbed by large corporations and their greedy operations? So, again, what really is the price to society of the skyrocketing fuel prices? There are those who reject that they have self determinism or that their self determinism is sufficient to make any great changes in their fate.

Just as there are cures for cancer to be found if one does some looking into the existing alternatives, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental disaster of New Orleans and the respiratory ailments of the 911 first responders if these problems would just be confronted and the solutions applied, there is a solution on an individual level to emancipate us from slavery to the fuel pump. - but such people might as well be dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel. Did you know you can lower the gas consumption of a fuel guzzler with water? A fully hydrogen based system can be implemented with just a bit more know how, resourcefulness and effort. A hybrid engine using both fuel and water can be installed quite easily. You will be rewarded withmore money in your pocket, a happier vehicle, a cleaner environment and in so many unforeseen ways that could have positive ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your vehicle converted to a hydrogen system.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Hybrid Engine Using Both Gasoline And Water Can Be Installed Quite Easily

Business, Ethics.

Reflecting on the societal impact of astronomical oil prices - there are millions of drivers on the american roads and each has an individual story about how the unprecedented price of gasoline affects their own personal lives. How many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline?

Consider how many people will be stuck in traffic this morning across America because somebody tried to get to work with their gas tank on empty. - how does one quantify or measure the number of ruined days, arguments brought on, accidents by rapidly climbing gasoline prices? I had a somewhat popular ebook on traffic shortcuts in Los Angeles. Once a caring person starts having an effect on outside of their friends and family they start to see that their actions have ripples. It sold a few copies. Sometimes I would get the idea... what if someone I sent down some road somewhere on some search for the holy shortcut wound up in good or bad circumstances because of my little ebook! . Too few! lol.

And considering that cause and effect sequences create new probabilities, how many peoples are affected by skyrocketing gasoline prices? - that is the plus and the minus. Life is a series of causes affecting other causes in a domino fashion while each piece has an option to fall, where to fall, not fall, in other words each piece in the dominoes game of life has self determinism but there is still this causes affecting causes factor which can take us down roads that hold surprises. So, again, what really is the price to society of the skyrocketing gasoline prices? Some may say that there is nothing that we can do. And more importantly what do we have to do as individuals to stop being ripped off by large corporations and money manipulation?

But such people might as well be dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel. - did you know you can lower the gas consumption of a car with water? In today' s world there are cures for cancer to be found if one insists on looking, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental waste of New Orleans and the health problems of the 911 first responders if one just decides to find the answers and the solutions applied, there is a solution on an individual level to free us from slavery to the gasoline pump. A hybrid engine using both gasoline and water can be installed quite easily. It is worth it in terms of a higher balance in your bank account, a better running, a cleaner environment car and in so many unforeseen ways that could have rewarding ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your car running on a hydrogen system. A fully hydrogen burning system can be implemented with just a bit of knowledge, resourcefulness and effort.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Do Employers Spy On Their Employees

Business, Ethics.

Is your boss watching you at work? - does your boss appear to know more about you than can be found in your personnel files? In short, do you think you are being illegally spied on by your employer?

Do you always have the feeling that someone is watching everything you do? - if you' re working in america then the answer is probably yes, but before you go running to the lawyers everything they are doing is probably all supported by law. An amazing 76% monitoring website visits while 50% looked at computer files, and a larger percentage of managers used spy cameras or surveillance equipment to keep track of what staff were up to while they were at work. An American Management Association survey of 526 managers found that most managers watched subordinates in some form or another. However, the law doesn' t look down on this type of behavior in the US with most workplace privacy laws only asking employers to tell staff if they are being watched and to refrain from watching them when they are changing their clothes. Why are employers so afraid of staff' s actions while they are at work? You' re lucky if you' re working in Britain you have a few more rights when it comes to your privacy as employers need to get your consent before they can intercept your emails or carry out internet surveillance.

Most of the time your employers are just worried about you wasting time at work. - they could be worried about bullying or sexual harassment or poor treatment of a customer which could lead to loss of business or even a sexual harassment suit. However, there are some more serious reasons for them to watch what you do. How do employers spy on their employees? They could carry out surveillance using surveillance equipment, like spy surveillance cameras, GPS tracking or desktop and internet monitoring. There are three main types of surveillance that a manager will use to keep an eye on staff. Surveillance Camera and Equipment.

There is any number of spy gadgets they can turn to for this purpose and some they may use are outdoor surveillance cameras, wireless spy cameras, hidden spy cameras and wired CCTV units. - more bosses prefer to keep track of their worker' s activities on the computer and internet but there are still many who will listen to phone conversations and watch staff on wireless spy cameras or hidden spy cameras. If they are using a surveillance camera or a hidden spy camera with sound recording capabilities and they haven' t told you about it they won' t be able to use the recording in legal proceedings as judges will see it as a breach of privacy. If you spend most of your time in a car then your employer may want to keep tabs on you with a GPS tracker or GPS logger. GPS Tracking. A GPS tracker is a little electronic spy gadget that can be either attached to a car or be held by a person and which keeps a record of your exact location. Internet and Desktop Surveillance.

Your employer can either buy this spy gadget or make the spy gadget depending on their technical aptitude. - employers operating a mainly office - based staff are quickly taking up this method of worker surveillance, maybe because it is so easy to do and so hard to detect. It will be almost impossible for you to spot that you are being monitored too as most surveillance will happen at the network level. Your boss will have no problems tracking which websites you visit and what you put into emails if you are using a work internet server or work computer. Employers may choose to use keytrackers or spyware to watch what you' re up to on the computer and, while they are illegal to use, they are very hard to detect. What Can You Do About It? Luckily they are easy to remove and simply running a anti - spyware program on your computer will stop your bosses prying eyes from seeing everything that you are doing on your computer.

The best thing that you can do is to realize that your manager will probably feel that only guilty people will have something to hide and just to be mindful of your actions at work. - if you' re dealing with a wireless spy camera, regardless of whether it is the normal type or a wireless spy camera with a hidden earphone there are a number of wireless signal blockers available on the market today which can block the signal from any camera in a 20 meter range. However if you seriously object to having your privacy invaded at work there are some steps to stop yourself being watched. If you' re on the road a lot and you object to being tracked with a GPS logging device then there are a number cool spy gadgets for you too with several personal and automotive GPS blocking devices being on the market today. Even if you know that your employer is monitoring your actions on the computer then there' s little you can do about it outside of leaving all non - work browsing, emails and conversations for outside work hours. Computer surveillance isn' t so easy to deal with, however. There are several good anti spyware packages and it may be worth installing them on your computer from time to time to prevent your boss from checking on the websites you go to.

If you' re working within the US the answer is probably yes. - so are you being watched? However, there' s probably nothing you can do about it unless you want to arouse their suspicions further and have them asking some hard questions at the next annual review. By far the best option is to realize that you are probably being watched and play by the rules while you are at work.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Spring, US Farmers Are Planting More Wheat But Less Corn, So Next Year Corn Prices Will Be Even Higher, With Devastating Effects On Food Prices Around The World

Business, Ethics.

Many will die so few can drive - how many of your brothers and sisters must die for your suv? Of the earth' s 66 billion residents, 4 billion live in poverty, and those at the bottom of that group are already very skinny and without sufficient food to be able to function normally.

I had so many different titles for this article but none were sufficient to capture its importance. - many of these poorest people are to be sacrificed in the name of highly questionable alternative energy sources which don' t even help improve the environment. This is urgent, and largely under, folks the radar! Just a total loss across the boards for everyone but a few politicians and a few corporations The estimates are 10 to 20 million dead in 2008 alone! Even in the" wealthy" USA, veterans, the homeless, the disabled, and all those, the elderly living on low fixed incomes are facing a rougher go than ever because of our new" GREEN" policies, Hillary Clinton, which John McCain, and Barack Obama have all knowingly come out in favor of. This spring, US farmers are planting more wheat but less corn, so next year corn prices will be even higher, with devastating effects on food prices around the world. The USDA states that by the end of May, US wheat supplies will be lower than at any time since 1948 because it was made much more profitable in recent years to grow corn for ethanol than to grow wheat for food! !

Biofuels are a dead end technology that can only lead to more human misery, and environmental destruction, hunger no matter what biofuel crops we grow. - last year, america' s farms sold enough corn, soy and rapeseed for use as biofuel that could have fed 250 million people for an entire year with sufficient caloric intake for them to survive. Two years ago the price of corn was only$ 2 bushel, now due to the increase in demand for corn for biofuel production the price has tripled and since the main thing that we feed poultry and animals is corn... the prices of chicken, beef and dairy, eggs have all gone up as a consequence. According to the World Bank the price of staple foods has soared an astonishing and highly alarming 80% in the last three years since 2005 and there is already a threat of political instability in thirty three countries as a result of this unprecedented change. And in countries such as Haiti people have taken to eating" cookies" made from mud The food riots in Haiti have looked more like revolution than just demand for food. In even some wealthier countries like Italy there have been food riots. There is no safe way to make biofuels in sufficient quantity to have any significant positive effect on our economy.

Some companies, including major oil corporations, have sought to extract biodiesel from algae but they have been trying unsuccessfully with a great waster of money and time and effort for over thirty years now. - objective, industry independent studies show that ethanol from cellulose( switchgrass, crops waste, wood chips, etc. ) will never be cost effective. Making ethanol from corn takes so much natural gas, and oil to, coal produce that it is not energy efficient, and certainly not worth the disastrous environmental and human life destruction it causes. The evidence is so overwhelmingly and severely against biofuel and its horrendous ramifications that no person of good will would ever support it. Respected scientific studies have shown that biofuel production is torture for wildlife and the biosphere, and speeds global warming faster than using ordinary gasoline. While all of this goes on there are real solutions coming forward but these are all at the grassroots level.

WATER4GAS is sharing information at a low price which people can use in their garage or wherever to create a small gizmo which infuses hydrogen into the fuel/ air mixture that their vehicle runs on. - water4gas is one of the best. What this does is make bite sized particles out of the ones that the engine uses as fuel. By doing this you can reasonably expect to increase your fuel economy by 30 - 50% or even more. So the engine is able to use considerably more of it. With WATER4GAS gasoline is made consumable so you can increase your fuel economy. This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND people already and the percentage of happy customers is about 99% !

It also helps make emissions significantly cleaner. - so how about you?

Monday, October 20, 2008

High Oil Prices Have Also Sent Diesel Prices Higher

Business, Ethics.

Short term forecast for gas prices in the usa - many analysts expect oil prices to rise higher in coming months, possibly above last month' s records, as the federal reserve cuts interest rates later in the year. Minutes of the Fed' s March meeting, showed policymakers were, released Tuesday afternoon far from unified in their intention to slash the Fed funds rate another. 075, and that they are worried about the severity of the economic slowdown.

Lower rates equates to higher inflation and rising prices. - high oil prices have also sent diesel prices higher. This past month the national average was within two cents of the record that was set the previous month. "We' ll set a new record this week probably in the$ 05 to$ 10 a gallon neighborhood, " said Tom Kloza, publisher and chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service in Wall, N. Reasons why the gasoline prices are currently increasing rapidly include; The higher costs of a barrel of oil is a major factor. People do more driving and the oil industry uses this as a justification to raise prices, saying that the surpluses are being depleted more heavily. Gas prices always climb in the Spring months, historically. But here is a primary datum to consider with a lot more emphasis than the ups and downs of gasoline prices as such.

That is a crime and a huge scam and you no longer need to be the effect of it. - an automobile 100 years ago achieved 40% better fuel efficiency than today. Actually you can even have fun while declaring your independence! And, on newer vehicles, worse than that, the computer is rigged to make sure that the fuel economy you get on your car doesn' t get any higher than the oil companies want you to have. The evil twin brother to that one is that, as any informed mechanic can tell you, your vehicle only effectively uses about 20 to 25% of the gasoline that you put into it! A majority of people don' t and won' t do anything about any of this because they feel powerless.

WATER4GAS is providing information for a nominal fee which folks can use in their garage or wherever to put together a small gizmo which instills hydrogen into the gas/ air mixture that their car or truck runs on. - there are people, who are more, though courageous and independent in though and action and many of these people are turning to water4gas as a solution to do something to take matters in to their own hands against the rising cost of oil and gasoline. The process makes bite sized particles out of the particles that the engine burns as fuel. By doing this you can minimumly expect to increase your fuel mileage by 30 - 50% or significantly more. So the system is able to use considerably more of it. Those particles" musta" been pretty" blankin' " huge in some engines before. It also helps reduce emissions significantly.

But with W4G they are made consumable so you can increase your fuel mileage. - this package of info has been purchased by over nine thousand individuals already and happy members number about 99% ! So how about you?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Letter Is Left Out And Instead There Is A Thread( "fr - " Instead Of' "from, ") Or Something That Looks Like A Letter But Is Not( "ar - Y" Instead Of" Army"

Business, Ethics.

Honesty and dishonesty through handwriting analysis - honesty and dishonesty through handwriting analysis. Joel Engel.

By. - in order to determine dishonesty in one' s handwriting, the ability to recognize honesty is a prerequisite. In general, the handwriting of honest people has clarity, simplicity and a firm, straight base line. Honesty. You can see this by taking a ruler and placing it under the middle - zone letters - they are all equidistant from the ruler. He is composed, straight thinking, not easily upset, and honest.

When the base line is straight( and certain other factors are not present) , we find an individual who does not go to pieces if something unexpected occurs. - the more open the ovals are, the more talkative the writer is. However, if there were no oval letters closed, it would be best not to tell the writer any secrets - he may have difficulty keeping them. When these letters are a regular feature of someone' s writing, he can be said to be both open and honest. If the body of the writing is similar to that of the signature, we see an essentially honest and straightforward individual - one that is not trying to impress others or play a false part. Then they check that against the signature to get an impression of the writer' s persona - the role he is trying to play.

When the signature varies from the body of the writing, graphologists first analyze the body of the writing, to discover what the writer really is. - dishonesty. The sinuous base line. Although there are many indicators of dishonesty, which can be identified through one' s handwriting, graphologists always rely upon three signs. He is inconsistent, prey to mood swings. Oval shaped letters, which are open at the bottom) .

It is difficult for him to hold a job or perform any function - requiring steadiness. - this reflects deceitfulness and hypocrisy. When any one of these three signs are found in one' s writing, a question mark arises to the graphologist concerning the writer' s veracity. Figures that can be mistaken for others, reveals lack of clarity in money matters. Two signs are considered as evidence. A person' s illegible signature does not admit of any complimentary interpretation.

It must be pointed out that the professional graphologist only relies upon these factors when: a) they are significantly repeated. and. b) this is the writer' s natural handwriting. - for how much trust can be placed in a document if the signature that is to prove the signer' s determination to carry out his promises cannot be deciphered? In contrast, the illegible hand of doctors, is part of, for instance their professional pride and secretiveness. In a sense, an illegible signature annuls the document it pretends to put in force. They do not want the layman to understand their notes obviously reserved for other doctors or pharmacists. It is to protect his patient.

As this is not the doctor' s natural handwriting, it certainly is not an indicator of dishonesty. - psychopathology in handwriting. In the liar' s presentation of the story, l. one( essential) part is simply left out; one( essential) part is left out and a freely invented part is substituted for it; one( essential) part is left out and the gap is filled with chitchat, or meaningless or vague tales. The Habitual Liar The technique of lying, has at least, it seems three ways of achieving its ends. In all three ways, the liar tries carefully not to appear as such. He will not express himself without indirection or hesitation. ) In writing, the liar' s techniques remain the same. His story and approach must not arouse suspicion. (Essentially, as a social, the habitual liar type, is unwilling to communicate frankly.

While the first letters of words look clear and often are written with great care( to deceive us and to draw our attention away from that part of the word where the lie" resides" ), the body of the word behind that first letter is, Incomplete: one or more letters are left out( "ad" instead of" and, " "Thanki" instead of" Thanking, " "neived" instead of" received, " "sicenly" instead of" sin� cerely" ), or. - one letter is left out and instead there is a thread( "fr - " instead of' "from, ") or something that looks like a letter but is not( "ar - y" instead of" army" ). One or several letters are replaced by letters that do not belong there( "eacl" instead of" each, " "mucl" instead of" much, " "costme" instead of" continue" ), or. The above samples are taken from one message, written by a habitual liar. These two seemingly different handwritings were written by one person, a pathological liar. The Pathological Liar.

She executed this writing for the doctor who had her under his care, in order to show" how clever she was. " From the standpoint of graphology, these handwritings are identical with the exception of the slant. - the pathological liar, is not merely, to be sure a person who tells many lies. Neither contains a basic characteristic that the other lacks. He is almost completely identified with the false roles he unconsciously assumes. Consequently, he will characteristically show two or more different styles of writing, rather than merely the slips of the" habitual liar. " Such shifting of style is the clue to pathology, which the graphologist can discover.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Key Attribute For Effective Leadership Calls For Reinforcing And Motivating Others To Promote Superior Performance

Business, Ethics.

Reward effect in management - a key attribute for effective leadership calls for reinforcing and motivating others to promote superior performance. Numerous surveys done among employees working in private sectors indicated they value highly personalized rewards/ recognition for a job well done as a critical dimension of their reward system( Armstrong& Stephens 2005) . Financial and non - financial rewards can be applied for this purpose( Milkovich& Newman 2004) .

It has become imperative that employee recognition should be given more attention by leaders as they attempt to meet the retention and productivity challenges confronting today' s organizations. - a system that enhances efficiency, decreases cost or enhances quality confers immediate competitive advantage on its creator and sets a standard for the rest of the industry to follow. The competitive edge of modern - day business emerges from innovation or discovery of a high performance management system. But once diffused across the field of competition, it becomes the standard. The history of industry since the mid - nineteenth century is traced through the uncovering and implementation of successively more sophisticated high performance systems. Now a new, high performance system, yet more innovative must be attained that once more creates competitive advantage for its inventors( Lawler 1995) .

It commences with centralization of productive capacity in the modern factory system. - the factory system was the product of engineering temper and skill in a globally competitive world. Prior to the invention of factories, each community was a system of independent craftspeople and farmers who enjoyed an idyllic communal existence formed around specialization of craft. The first high performance factory systems were devised around the disciplines of industrial engineering to exploit intercontinental commerce. The complex and sometimes confused rhetoric of motivational theory provides an example of theory evolving in a disciplined, arriving ultimately at, scientific way a point where the ideologies of both quality of work life and worker participation are largely refuted. Frederick Winslow Taylor created the high performance factory system that has been dubbed" scientific management" (Lawler 1995) . Out of the rigorous research on worker motivation has come modern goal - setting theory, which has already commenced to reform management practice.

Modern high performance systems appear to demand reemphasis on individual uniqueness and breadth of skill through broad - based multiskill training within a context of a robust and supportive work culture. - emphasis on goals within a context of management by objectives and sound management strategy is emerging as a core element of modern high performance management systems( lawler 1995) . Indeed, one of the best paths to high performance at the turn of the twenty - first century appears to be in orderly, purposeful construction of a high performance culture formed around the selected skills and attitudes of individual workers, augmented by intensive training within a high performance culture. Indeed, an argument for the necessity of discriminating good from poor potential workers probably turns on the individual' s potential to the shape and quality of organization culture. Attention to relevant individual differences and to work group values is indispensable to creation of such a culture. Ultimately, the robustness of a culture is determined by the clarity, honesty and openness of its communications( Lawler 1995) .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We Don' T Need Reputable, We Need Cheap, He Says

Business, Ethics.

Proof that cheap doesn't always pay - after leaving school, i was quite desperate to get myself into work and took this secretarial job as a fill in. I' m still churning out letters from our antiquated printer that only works if you thump it six inches in from the back and for which Mr Parker will only buy cheap ink cartridges.

Five years on and I' m still here. - cheap ink cartridges are all very well if you get them from a reputable company but not mr parker. Cheap office equipment, cheap paper that, cheap office furniture rips most of the time when it' s making a desperate bid to be free of the printer and, of course cheap ink cartridges. We don' t need reputable, we need cheap, he says. I' ve tried pointing out to Mr Parker that we can still get cheap ink cartridges from a decent, trustworthy company but he panics that no one can match the cheap that he gets from his dodgy dealer that comes round selling things from the back of his grimy old Morris Minor. It extends to my wage packet and the supermarket carnations he sends me out for on his wife' s birthday.

I' ve let things drift along for too long now and to be honest Mr Parkers meanness gets me down. - how he manages to keep his business running is beyond me. Not that mean, but he has, you may think an agenda. In fact, I think he knows how dire things have got because whenever he needs to see clients he always takes them to a restaurant. He lulls them into thinking they' re getting a top class service by treating them to a slap up lunch but they don' t realise that he and the restaurant owner have a deal. It' s a sort of' you scratch my back and I' ll scratch yours' type of arrangement but in a seedy, mean way.

Mr Parker gets the meal cheap, and I type, of course up his letters, with cheap ink on cheap paper, of course. - to see the two of them scheming makes my teeth itch. He adds it on to the clients' final bill so he wins all round. Mr Parker gets his money back from the meal of course. The client has not only received a cheap meal and a cheap service but he ends up paying over the odds for it and very rarely do they muster up the nerve to complain due to Mr Parkers oily, smooth talking ways. I have been applying for other local jobs and dared to take a sick day to attend interviews. Another anniversary of my time with the company comes and goes and still I receive no pay rise, no advancement on my original school leaving wage and I am heartily sick of it.

For this I received a written warning, on that cheap tatty paper with smudged print from the cheap ink cartridge! - two weeks later and i receive the call i have been praying for. This man knows no decency! My interview with the office in town has been successful and I am to start in two weeks time. I realise the cheap ink cartridge and cheap paper has jammed the printer, yet again and I make my way over to release it. While Mr Parker is at another of his cheap lunches, I take great delight in typing out my resignation.

With one foot on the edge of the desk, I' m tugging at the paper when Mr Parker walks back into the office and startles me. - one broken ankle, a new suit and a compensation claim to cover my loss of dignity in front of the client as well as the injuries and mr parker is about to find out that not everything in life is cheap. Taking my eye off the job in hand for a split second, I slip on the cheap nylon carpet, my foot goes through the cheap chipboard desk, the paper frees from the jam and I fly backwards into a heap bringing ink from the cheap ink cartridge spilling all over my suit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some People Claim It' S Just A Terrible Business Model

Business, Ethics.

Quixtar scam - is quixtar a scam? If it is a legitimate business then good luck with that.

You should browse through a bunch of sites and ultimately decide for yourself. - from what it looks like to me, quixtar scam is selling the dream of being rich to people that don' t know any better. The new twist brings the internet into play. I believe that quixtar used to Amway, and that was sure a SCAM so they had to re - invent themselves with a shiny new name and a new twist. It turns out the Quixtar Scam people, or the" Diamonds" actually make their money selling the motivational tapes to the morons that they have sucked in. Go, Go Freedom. The dateline hidden camera investigation of this Quixtar Scam shows a whole stadium of these morons looking like they are in a trance, shouting something like?

Flush that stinking job? - what kind of legitimate business would waste peoples time and money to go to some cultish convention where they tug at your heart strings with the tease of a better life. The truth is that not even one percent of those idiots will ever become financially independent. I cant believe these morons fall for the Quixtar Scam: ) Note: all information on this site is just opinion and you should judge for yourself. :) Quixtar is? what you would call a MLM or? multi - level marketing or network marketing company, and it was created on September 1, 1999 in Ada Michigan. Alticor is the holding company for other businesses including Amway, and a manufacturing, Quixtar and distribution company called Access Business Group. It is privately owned by the families of Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel through a company that is also called Alticor.

Some People Say that Quixtar Scam is not a scam but looking at the Dateline video it? s hard to believe that a legitimate business would act that way. - some people make cash and have money coming in from terrible business. Some people claim It' s just a terrible business model. Lots of other people lose a lot of money, sometimes because of the how dumb they are, sometimes not. The fact is that 99% of these people will not get rich and will spend lots of money buying tapes and going to these cult like seminars before them finally fold up and there entrepreneur spirit is crushed by there so called Diamonds. The company itself spends a huge amount of energy in trying to keep its Cultish IBO' s in line because the model itself needs them to keep inline or the whole thing will fold.

Your only hope in this cult is to convince other people to joined the business and spend all of there money trying to get there points, so you can get some too. - think about it... what kind of business would make you pay to go to some cultish type seminar for three days so you could listen to how other people got rich. It' s the same old story as Amway. who got rich? not the working man, or small business guy, but the ones that started it and sold the motivational tapes and seminars. Wouldn' t these diamonds sport the bill for that? No. not really that got rich making people pay for tapes and seminars. That' s how the got rich right? If your reading this and still banging your head against the wall trying to" flush that stinking job" get a clue.