Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is Water4Gas Everything That It Could Be

Business, Ethics.

Water4gas - what's the story? - i understand why the internet community is having problems believing that water 4 gas is genuine. Even the fact that people are so urgently needing good news in the area of gas prices opens up the door for a scam to arrive on the scene. Also the anonymity of the internet lends itself much more to a scam operation than a brick and mortar establishment( regardless of what might be going on in the back room of that storefront) .

So do we have here just another example of someone getting rich off of the misery of others or is there something genuine here like a real solution? - how are we defining a scam? A good place to start is with a definition of terms. I think most people would be happy with the definition if it included false representation and delivery of something less in value than what was originally promised. So that certainly shows a genuine effort to provide something of value and a lot of research and testing went into the information that is provided. Well, there is a wealth of information provided in the Water4Gas members area in over four hundred pages. What you are paying for is an education in ways to increase your fuel economy plus the directions to build your own hydrogen on demand system.

The Water4Gas information goes way beyond things like get the dead weight out of your trunk and keep your tires at proper pressure kind of stuff you see all over the net. - since most cars waste 3/ 4s of their gas it is certainly a realistic expectation that tips and tricks could exists which would increase the mileage by reducing the waste. Is Water4Gas everything that it could be? And this is the nice part of the water 4 gas system. I do think that the system has room for improvements. It teaches you enough about the subject of turning water into hydrogen gas so you can make adjustments that fit your application and availability of components.

After reading the threeWater4Gas books, it' s hard to call the water4gas system a scam. - the water4gas system even shows you how to boost your mpg through combination of other effective systems into an integrated whole for maximum result. With this much energy and research and testing that went into this information it is pretty hard to consider it anything but valuable. Basically everything just short of that IS delivered including the precise part numbers and places to buy them least expensively and more. It' s possible that someone could go to the website and see the pictures and not read the text and not understand that what is being sold is a book of information, not an already assembled kit ready for installation. There is even a free marketplace within the member' s area of Water4Gas where people can purchase Water4Gas components and installations from vendors and the owner of Water4Gas don' t even make a dime off of any of those transactions! So what sayeth the jury about the inherent value of Water4Gas?

So the Water4Gas system is instructions for a do it yourself system which is very inexpensive, which you can get results from and which you can continue to tweak until you are satisfied that you have maximized the MPG potential. - if we rephrase the question to can you buy the books, learn about extracting hydrogen gas from water to be burned in your engine, build and install a fuel efficiency increasing system that will raise your average fuel economy, the answer is yes. I do know this, gas prices will be going much higher and we all need to do something to fight back. You will have to make your own decision on whether learning about cutting edge ways to increase fuel economy is worth the price tag and right for you. The corporations, especially auto makers and petroleum companies want you and me to believe that there is nothing that can be done about it. People who think outside the box and take action are making new rules for average fuel economy.

This is not true.

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