Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Spring, US Farmers Are Planting More Wheat But Less Corn, So Next Year Corn Prices Will Be Even Higher, With Devastating Effects On Food Prices Around The World

Business, Ethics.

Many will die so few can drive - how many of your brothers and sisters must die for your suv? Of the earth' s 66 billion residents, 4 billion live in poverty, and those at the bottom of that group are already very skinny and without sufficient food to be able to function normally.

I had so many different titles for this article but none were sufficient to capture its importance. - many of these poorest people are to be sacrificed in the name of highly questionable alternative energy sources which don' t even help improve the environment. This is urgent, and largely under, folks the radar! Just a total loss across the boards for everyone but a few politicians and a few corporations The estimates are 10 to 20 million dead in 2008 alone! Even in the" wealthy" USA, veterans, the homeless, the disabled, and all those, the elderly living on low fixed incomes are facing a rougher go than ever because of our new" GREEN" policies, Hillary Clinton, which John McCain, and Barack Obama have all knowingly come out in favor of. This spring, US farmers are planting more wheat but less corn, so next year corn prices will be even higher, with devastating effects on food prices around the world. The USDA states that by the end of May, US wheat supplies will be lower than at any time since 1948 because it was made much more profitable in recent years to grow corn for ethanol than to grow wheat for food! !

Biofuels are a dead end technology that can only lead to more human misery, and environmental destruction, hunger no matter what biofuel crops we grow. - last year, america' s farms sold enough corn, soy and rapeseed for use as biofuel that could have fed 250 million people for an entire year with sufficient caloric intake for them to survive. Two years ago the price of corn was only$ 2 bushel, now due to the increase in demand for corn for biofuel production the price has tripled and since the main thing that we feed poultry and animals is corn... the prices of chicken, beef and dairy, eggs have all gone up as a consequence. According to the World Bank the price of staple foods has soared an astonishing and highly alarming 80% in the last three years since 2005 and there is already a threat of political instability in thirty three countries as a result of this unprecedented change. And in countries such as Haiti people have taken to eating" cookies" made from mud The food riots in Haiti have looked more like revolution than just demand for food. In even some wealthier countries like Italy there have been food riots. There is no safe way to make biofuels in sufficient quantity to have any significant positive effect on our economy.

Some companies, including major oil corporations, have sought to extract biodiesel from algae but they have been trying unsuccessfully with a great waster of money and time and effort for over thirty years now. - objective, industry independent studies show that ethanol from cellulose( switchgrass, crops waste, wood chips, etc. ) will never be cost effective. Making ethanol from corn takes so much natural gas, and oil to, coal produce that it is not energy efficient, and certainly not worth the disastrous environmental and human life destruction it causes. The evidence is so overwhelmingly and severely against biofuel and its horrendous ramifications that no person of good will would ever support it. Respected scientific studies have shown that biofuel production is torture for wildlife and the biosphere, and speeds global warming faster than using ordinary gasoline. While all of this goes on there are real solutions coming forward but these are all at the grassroots level.

WATER4GAS is sharing information at a low price which people can use in their garage or wherever to create a small gizmo which infuses hydrogen into the fuel/ air mixture that their vehicle runs on. - water4gas is one of the best. What this does is make bite sized particles out of the ones that the engine uses as fuel. By doing this you can reasonably expect to increase your fuel economy by 30 - 50% or even more. So the engine is able to use considerably more of it. With WATER4GAS gasoline is made consumable so you can increase your fuel economy. This package of info has been purchased by over NINE THOUSAND people already and the percentage of happy customers is about 99% !

It also helps make emissions significantly cleaner. - so how about you?

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