Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Hybrid Engine Using Both Fuel And Water Can Be Installed Quite Easily

Business, Ethics.

The unseen impact of astronomical gas prices - how does the skyrocketing price of gasoline impinge upon your life? How many times must we sit on" freeze frame" highways must turn into parking lots because some sad sack ran out of fuel at just that worst possible moment?

Well your story is one of tens of millions across America and each one is unique. - how many additional cars will be left stranded by the roadside, burnt out and gutted because the driver could not keep up with the price of insurance and gasoline? Once an individual of conscience starts having an effect on beyond of their friends and family they realize that their actions have ripples. What is the cost in terms of ruined days and happiness turned to sadness because of financial turmoil aided and assisted by skyrocketing fuel prices? I had a fairly successful ebook on traffic shortcuts in Los Angeles. Too few! lol. It sold a few copies.

I would occasionally wonder whimsically if I had sent anyone off their usual path to some unforeseen circumstance, good or bad. - life is a series of probabilities, causes which cause other things which lead us in directions that hold surprises. Take that small example and compare it to how many lives are affected in so many different ways by the out of control rise in gas prices. That is the plus and the minus. And more importantly what actions do we have to take as individuals to cease being robbed by large corporations and their greedy operations? So, again, what really is the price to society of the skyrocketing fuel prices? There are those who reject that they have self determinism or that their self determinism is sufficient to make any great changes in their fate.

Just as there are cures for cancer to be found if one does some looking into the existing alternatives, just as there solutions to global warming, the environmental disaster of New Orleans and the respiratory ailments of the 911 first responders if these problems would just be confronted and the solutions applied, there is a solution on an individual level to emancipate us from slavery to the fuel pump. - but such people might as well be dead and they are just waiting for someone to come along with a shovel. Did you know you can lower the gas consumption of a fuel guzzler with water? A fully hydrogen based system can be implemented with just a bit more know how, resourcefulness and effort. A hybrid engine using both fuel and water can be installed quite easily. You will be rewarded withmore money in your pocket, a happier vehicle, a cleaner environment and in so many unforeseen ways that could have positive ramifications that it really is wise to make the small investment of time and caring to get your vehicle converted to a hydrogen system.

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